USB Mix Tape

Posted on June 11th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
new stuff is cool, i just love the aesthetics and care that goes into older stuff.

But wait, Joe — what if you had to stick a piece of tape over a hole in the USB key to get it to record…?

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The Hauntological Congress

Posted on June 11th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
Anyway, it was a really memorable, tangible place!

That’s a difference, I think. Hauntology seems to often summon wandering down back alleys that look really familiar, but the last time you were there you were drunk off your ass, and you’ll never find that one door again, because it’s dead and gone and quite possibly wasn’t there to begin with. You’ve caught your dream train and forced it to circle the vinyl forever so we can all hear it. Burial almost all sounds like it wants you to chase it down, a will’o'wisp in a long fallow field, a voice that’s always three rooms away; Mystery Train sounds like it’s coming closer, and you can’t stop it. Neither is inherently better — I really like Burial, a lot — but they’re very different, to me.

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The June Food Thread

Posted on June 11th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
Speaking of piggy bits: I don’t actually eat breakfast — my stomach doesn’t understand anything but caffeine until at least 5 hours in, but here’s how I do bacon and eggs.

Bacon and Mushrooms and Garlic and Eggs and Toast and Parmesan and Tomatoes and Avocado.

Takes about 20-30 minutes with bacon cooking time — and is all done in one pan and one plate, because I don’t much like cleaning up. See, here’s the thing about bacon. I know some of you make your bacon in the microwave, because it’s faster that way. But what you don’t get with microwave bacon is a nice, sizzling pan of bacon grease. And yes, I smoke two packs a day and eat bacon and one of those may very well kill me someday, but when I keel over after a life of eating piggies and smoking… well I’ll have had a life of eating piggies and smoking. No one lives forever.

So, I put the pan on the stove and slap four thick-cut slices in it before I turn the burner up to medium heat. It’s always tempting to try and cook bacon at a higher temp in an already hot pan — but it’s just not meant to be. While the bacon is warming up, I wash and dice a few mushrooms and some garlic (all my recipes have garlic. Well, the cookies don’t, but pretty much everything else does.). After I’ve turned the bacon a couples of times, I drain off a bit of the bacon grease (with thin-cut bacon this step can be skipped, there won’t be as much. With thick cut bacon you’ll have a bit too much oil if you don’t drain a bit) and toss the mushrooms and garlic in to brown along with. Then I grab two eggs and a slice of bread (I buy the short and wide loaves pretty specifically so that I can do this next bit) and cut two holes in the bread at the top and bottom corners.

The bacon should be about 2/3 done at this point, so I pull it out, chop it into manageable bites, stir the mushrooms and garlic around a bit, and toss everything back in the pan and push it over to the edge. (You may need to drain a little more grease off at this point. There’s death by arterial clogging, and then there’s just too much fat to deal with.) Then I toss the bread in the pan and let it sop and toast on both sides, and crack the eggs into the holes.


Yum, yes, it’s a double egg in a basket. Delicious enough under normal circumstances, but double delicious with two eggs and triple delicious with bacon. While the eggy-eyeball-toast is cooking on one side, slice up a few cherry tomatoes and half an avocado. There’s something like 8 million % of your daily RDA of protein in the pan, so you really do need a little fruit to even it out. When I flip the egg/toast, I sprinkle a little grated Parmesan on top and — as the bacon is done cooking now — move all the meat/mushroom/garlic on top to help the cheese melt before the eggs are done. I like my eggs a bit runny, so that’s how you do that.

Slide everything onto a plate, artfully arrange (read: scoop and toss) the tomatoes and avocado on top, and eat with fork and knife and yums.

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Mexico Advice

Posted on June 10th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
Aside from not bringing anything of value, what’s the best way to go about not getting killed, arrested, or abducted?

Don’t be a dick. Don’t offer people money if you get lost and need to ask directions. Start smoking if you don’t already, and trade in cigarette currency if you feel the need to repay the kindness of strangers. Say please and thank you. Smile a lot. Don’t drink anything but beer and bottled water, but don’t get drunk. Don’t fuck beautiful strangers. Don’t get drunk and fuck beautiful strangers. Don’t get drunk and offer to pay to fuck beautiful strangers. If you absolutely have to fuck a beautiful stranger, say please and thank you. And pay with cigarettes.

That should do it.

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The Weekly Listening Thread (9 June 08)

Posted on June 9th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
I don’t know if I’m liking The Black Angels’ Directions To See A Ghost better than/as much as/less than Passover — it’s… hm. It’s, well the recording quality seems a little bit better, but it’s taken the edge off. Or put a new edge on. I can’t decide. It’s less Vietnam, and more the drugs to beat the PTSD after, y’know? Maybe it’s a logical progression. It’s got that drone-edges-into-dizzy-psychedelic edge that really sounds like painkillers and self-medication, to beat a metaphor. I like “Mission District”, “Science Killer”, and “You on the Run”.
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Whitechapel June Flickrgeist

Posted on June 9th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
Warren’s been doing these most recently under the heading of ZEITFLICKR, and I love them like delicious candy. So I want MOAR NOW. It’s a pretty easy set-up to point and click with fd’s Flickr Toys, so let’s play along at home, yeah? No rules — you can use your own flickr account or your contacts, recent or wayback. Go with a different layout if it works better. Go nuts.

1. my tree #7, 2. Isengart [7060], 3. I’m a big NERD, 4. IMG_0539.JPG, 5. > I took it for Brightkite, but I like it for a lot of reasons, 6. Untitled

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The June Food Thread

Posted on June 8th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
Omnomnom I am eating delicious pork chops nom. I make a lot of fifteen minute meals. Pigs were pretty much invented for single servings and fast cooking, seriously.

What I do for chops of piggy is take the little skillet — the six inch one that doesn’t get too much action other than eggs — and pour a little olive oil in it. If there’s more than one of you, use a bigger pan, obviously. While that’s heating (medium-highish), I’ve popped out to the patio to cut some oregano, snip a little marjoram, thyme, and basil from the window garden, and diced that up with two cloves of garlic. Then I toss all that nonsense in the pan and stir it around, letting the hot oil infuse with all the deelicious herbs. Once the garlic is starting to brown a little, I clear out a space in the middle of the pan and slap the pork chop down. I brown the chop on both sides (and you only need to turn it once, the timing’s about the same for an egg on a thin cut chop, a titch longer on a thicker one) and then move it to a plate. The pork is finished cooking at that point, and you could just spread the garlic and herbs onto a piece of toast and make a sandwich if you’ve gone with a boneless cut and you want to stop there.

But, if it’s dinner time, what you want to do is pour a little white wine in the pork-greasy pan and make a tasty reduction. Stir the wine around, getting all the browned pork drippings and garlic and herbs mixed together while about half the wine cooks off. Then dollop in some stone-ground mustard, a spoonful of honey, and stir that into a honey mustard sauce. Or sauté some mushrooms and onions in the pan before you add the wine, and stir a little brie or buttermilk in for a white or cheese sauce. Or, if it’s a little chilly out still, thinly dice some apples and use port instead of white wine to make a sweet sauce.

Throw the pork chop back in the pan for a minute to get it nice and toasty again, and let it soak up some of the sauce, and then serve with a salad, or over a bed of rice, or with some chips you’ve thrown in the oven before you started anything. Or, if you’ve suddenly realized you really did just want a sandwich, pour everything onto a slice of toast, dice a tomato or some cheese on top, and you’ve got a fancy one.

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Temes: Self replicating Memes?

Posted on June 7th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
Yeah, I personally think the ‘meme’ is just a fun/useful tool for analyzing the spread of ideas. Once it gets woven into polarized, alarmist rehashings involving aliens, religion, and the singularity, &c.,

…Then you’ve got Scientology.

Which would, come to think of it, explain why one of the foremost meme-machines of our time suddenly decided to go after one of the largest organizations actively seeking to clear humans of their malevolent sentient alien thoughtwaves…

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Will space travel ever be truly feasible?

Posted on June 6th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
Most modern physicists are pretty convinced the graviton exists.

C’mon. Everyone knows that the real trick is to anchor our ships to Dark Matter with thin, nearly transparent transfer cables and let the equal-but-opposite orbit pull the vehicles through space at doublespeed. It’s in all the old television sci-fi serials, even.

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Temes: Self replicating Memes?

Posted on June 6th, 2024 in offsite echoes

[This is only my side of a conversation, and may make more sense if you visit the original discussion on Whitechapel.]
Susan Blackmore is, of course, absofuckinglutuely bugnuts. Her anthropomorphism of data is little more than thinly-veiled demonology. As with “Flying Spaghetti Monster” and “Singularity,” it helps when reading Blackmore to replace every instance of “meme” with “malevolent spirit.”
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Tee El Dee Are via Dan Curtis Johnson

Monday January, 18 2024 04:19 AM UTC

You know I love the internet
The way that folks get so upset
And since I've rarely much to do
I'll spend whole days just to construe
The most inflammatory screed
To trickle through your browser's feed
And launch you from unthinking rage
In foolish flame war to engage
But though I see you have replied
To some quick and cruel aside
That I posted in your forum
Not concerned much with decorum
I'm afraid I must confess
I have not yet its words assessed
I'm sure it's wise and sharp indeed
But it's too long; I didn't read

Perhaps you tried a light approach
Expressed mere hint of your reproach
If so, I'm sad I have to tell thee
You have failed to repel me
Or did you trip that trap at all
You know it makes you look the moron
The message board will surely pour on
Gasoline for such a blaze
The whole community gone crazed
Revealing how thin their facade's been
Until some dimwit pulls a Godwin
Then you'll have to lock the thread
And all because of what you said
Those mighty words you thought had whipped 'em
But it was long, and so I skipped 'em

I'm guessing it fulfills a need
This message board you think you lead
Whose moderation I exceed
And every function I impede
(Spurred by boredom, not by greed
So nothing personal, agreed?)
Each time I post it plants more seeds
Your tended garden choked by weeds
A bit more time and I'll succeed
To bring the whole thing down with speed
And so it's time for you to plead
Effectively, you will concede
In fact, you'll beg me to recede
Your final post will almost bleed
Constructed short enough, I'd heed...
But no: Too long; I didn't read

For consideration: "Too long, didn't read / You think you're paid by the word? / Haiku does the trick"

In brief via Cherie Priest

Monday January, 18 2024 02:55 AM UTC

I made that deadline, I’ll have you to know. Nearly drove myself bananas doing it, and ultimately rewrote 14,000 words of a 35,000-word project, in addition to the other changes. Now, of course, the weight is lifted and I’ve been going nuts catching up on all the little things that I let slide while my days were otherwise occupied.

Since Friday I’ve done laundry, cleaned house, seen a movie, gone grocery shopping, written some important correspondence, arranged several more appearances, two more radio/podcast interviews, answered a whole lot of email that had been sitting around in ye old in-box, and gone to lunch with a couple of friends (followed by some much-needed retail therapy). In short, I’m still playing catch-up, a bit.

I’m still writing on Hellbent too, though I doubled back and reorganized/removed some words, leaving me with a net total of only a few hundred — not enough to document, in my opinion. I’ll wait until I have at least a thousand to report. Less that that feels like the waste of a good graphic.

Tonight I’ll sit around with it and noodle. But not right now. Right now, my secret weakness is coming on TV (America’s Funniest Videos yes I know shaddup shaddup shaddup) and I’m going to grab a glass of wine and indulge … with a notepad beside me, in case I figure out exactly how to pitch my next Clockwork Century project. Hey, sometimes I find puppy videos and clips of pinata-whackers gone awry to be inspiring.

Helping Shawn Powers via Wil Wheaton

Monday January, 18 2024 02:12 AM UTC

Shawn Powers, who edits Linux Journal and is a friend to geeks everywhere, lost his house to a fire today. Scalzi says:

Shawn Powers, a friend of Whatever and also a frequent commenter here, has had a very bad day: His house has burned up. The good news is Shawn, his wife and children are safe; unfortunately their pets were victims of the fire.

Friends and co-workers have set up a place for other friends and concerned folks to chip in to help Shawn and his family get through this really terrible moment in their lives: It?s here. If you have a bit to spare, I?d appreciate you thinking about sparing it. There are also more details about today?s events at the link.

Thanks, and feel free to spread the word.

This is me spreading the word. I've never met Shawn in person, but we've traded lengthy e-mails and he's a really good guy. There's a whole lot of you reading this, so if even a fraction of you throw some change - seriously, just a buck - in his direction, it'll all add up and really help out a lot. At the very least, please take a moment to spare a thought for Shawn and his family.

Just before bed... via Lee Barnett

Monday January, 18 2024 12:47 AM UTC

Most 'funny' websites go through phases when they're incredibly funny, phases when they're not really that funny at all. And most of the time, of course, they're... ok. Not the funniest site in the world, nor particularly unfunny. Just... ok.

But criggo has been solidly in the first category above the past few days, with images such as:

A paradox

Unfortunate choice of words

Management opportunities!

Nice Camera

I don?t think that?s what they meant.

What?s on TV tonight?

Links for 2024-01-16 via Warren Ellis

Sunday January, 17 2024 09:00 PM UTC

Henry Disapproves Of Your Heathen Lifestyle via Warren Ellis

Sunday January, 17 2024 08:53 PM UTC

Henry, son of writer/scholar Jess Nevins, is not impressed by your pagan ways:


(Ariana comments: "I knew offering toddler t-shirts was a good idea.")

MLK... via Lee Barnett

Sunday January, 17 2024 08:18 PM UTC

Driving home this evening, I caught the last ten minutes of the BBC Radio 4 programme Americana, during which Kevin Connolly discussed the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and - marvellously - played a selection of questions recorded by a Chicago teacher of his third grade class (8 year olds), the questions they would have liked to ask of Dr King.

While some of the questions were those that any adult might have asked ("Did you think the I Have A Dream speech would have such an effect?", or "What part of the speech do you think got people listening most?"), the questions that actually touched me were the questions that - to me - only a child would ask, in part because only a child wouldn't be overawed.

Questions about such as:
- how old were you when you made your first speech, and what was it about?
- how much did you practice the I Have A Dream speech?
- what did you do straight away after you made the speech?

and, most gloriously of all:

- were you very nervous before making the speech?

Coming And Crying via Warren Ellis

Sunday January, 17 2024 08:17 PM UTC

Coming & Crying: real stories about sex from the other side of the bed. A Kickstarter-powered book project by Melissa Gira Grant and Meaghan O’Connell:

Meaghan and Melissa (or, "we") met because of the internet and writing, and writing about sex (and blogging about writing about sex). Almost since then, we’ve been talking about how we need to do a book like this: a collection of stories (and photographs) from the messy, awkward, hilarious, painful, and ultimately true side of sex.

As part of this project, all of the money we raise together will go towards producing the book and to paying its contributors. The more we bring in, the more we can put out — a prettier book, bigger take-home for our writers and photographers, and fancier packages for all those who pledge.

We want to produce this book because we want to read it; it’s something we’ve been looking for for a long time and haven’t found yet. Compelling writing that doesn’t skip over the interesting parts, writing that is willing to go there, to be brave and to dwell in it, the way few published authors have….

Almost via Dan Curtis Johnson

Sunday January, 17 2024 02:51 AM UTC

You'll probably be relieved to know that, for today's post, I only got about halfway through a piece about two guys trying to sell exercise bikes that encourage progress through the application of digitally-optimized oral sex, before abandoning it as entirely too disgusting.

100 Words: Polyglot via Dan Curtis Johnson

Sunday January, 17 2024 02:09 AM UTC

It?s not easy to kill an immortal being, but I?m well-trained and well-equipped. Sometimes, they?re hard to find, but they tell me this one will be easy. In the park. Old blue coat. Approach from behind.

Protocol requires that we identify first. ?Sir, I regret to inform you??

He turns. ?Que??

?I?m with??

?Was? Ma??

?Sir, I??


There?s tortured confusion in his eyes. Lost, alone, three thousand years jumbled up in a brain that had failed along the way.

?I?m with Time. We wait for no man.?

His mouth tries to work out more words:

?Save? me??

I fire.

For consideration: "If I had just a little time, I could speak seven languages. I could walk on water."

Links for 2024-01-16 via Warren Ellis

Saturday January, 16 2024 11:00 PM UTC

  • Counter-X > Comics >> Vulcan
    Site containing scans of 60s/early 70s British comics serials: The Steel Claw, Robot Archie, The Trigan Empire etc. Lovely idea.
    (tags:comics )
  • The Third & The Seventh on Vimeo
    "A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects
    are already-built spaces. Sometimes in an abstract way. Sometimes surreal…"
    (tags:architecture video )

The Rust Of Broadcasting via Warren Ellis

Saturday January, 16 2024 06:09 PM UTC

A friend of mine who works in the post-industrial design space told me once of a meeting he was called to with a terrestrial network television broadcaster. He does lots of interesting work with lots of interesting people, in a range of digital and postdigital fields. But he was really kind of antsy about this meeting. He said to me: "Television? Broadcasting? That’s, like aerials and shit. Pylons and towers. Huge fucking chunks of rusting metal." The strong implication was that he felt he was being drafted into a meeting about manual farming machinery. Having an iPhone meant that he really shouldn’t have to know about things like oxen and ploughshares.

All this was in pursuit of a conversation about television, specifically British terrestrial tv and "common culture" (which is ten million people watching DOCTOR WHO and talking about it the next day, put reductively), and why I want to write some. Why, in essence, I want to traffic with the likes of great rusting broadcast towers.

And I said to him, "I want to do some television before it, as we know it now, goes away. If only just to try it and feel what it’s like."

(Which is, I’ll allow, like taking a writing holiday in Portmeiron because Noel Coward wrote there, or working on a Smith-Corona because it has mythic resonance. But, you know, it might be instructive to sit in Dennis Potter’s chair for a while. Just as I once sat at a desk Arthur Conan Doyle once wrote at.)

But here’s a thing about the rust of broadcasting. Something Russell Davies, who works in what he calls the post-digital space, said a while back:

We have broken your business, now we want your machines.

What Russell and his crew at Really Interesting Group have done is wrangle deals with newspaper printers. Whose business, in an emergent post-industrial age, is certainly a bit broken. Huge fucking machines designed only to print newspapers, in a time when newspaper publishers are printing fewer newspapers. RIG set up Newspaper Club, that allows people to print their own short-run newspapers using these big lonely machines that are not running the volume they used to but still need to pay for themselves.

Sometimes, I look up at these rusting aerials and towers, in a time when TV comes to an increasing number of people through a ground cable or a phone line, and wonder how long it’ll be until that business breaks completely — and, more importantly, how long until someone comes for the machines and makes them a deal.

This Is Still Warren Ellis Dot Com, Yes via Warren Ellis

Saturday January, 16 2024 05:05 PM UTC

Just a leetle bit busy. Broadcasting is on low power for the weekend.

You can send me tips, information, interesting stuff you’re doing or dirty pictures at my public dump email address, warrenellis [at] gmail dot com. I check it once every day or two.

Have a new photo by Ellen Rogers:


?House? aka ?Hausu? aka ?HAAAAAUUGHWOOOOSSS? via Meredith Yayanos

Saturday January, 16 2024 04:56 AM UTC

New Yorkers with a taste for the deeply weird and gorgeous and ridiculous, you owe it to yourself to go see Hausu playing at the IFC Center this week. Actually, y’know what? Correction– you owe it to ME to go, since I live thousands of miles away and won’t be able to.

Comrades, we are talking about something unprecedented: a high-end screening of an actual print of what was long considered one of the most legendary horror bootlegs in existence. As far as I know, this fantastical film has been nigh-impossible for Westerners to view any other way. Until now.

Kudos to comics/film guru Ben Catmull for turning me onto this raging brilliant nutterfest.

Shot in 1977 by experimental Japanese director Nobuhiko Obayashi (and based on a story written by his 7 year old daughter), Hausu is one of the most spectacularly, riotously demented movies ever committed to celluloid. There’s plenty I could tell you about it (and there are tons of rabid, frothing film geek reviews online if you want to go exploring) but my instinct tells me it might be best to go unprepared, as I did, and just give yourself over to being repeatedly tit-slapped by the technicolor Japanese KRAY ZAY. My virgin viewing experience was similar to seeing The Forbidden Zone or Eraserhead or The Billy Nayer Show for the first time– mindblowing, seminal, beautiful, and fucked up as all hell. Seifuku Koo Koo!

Come to think of it, there are a lot of wonderful things happening in New York imminently:  Throne of Blood (a completley different flavor of Japanese cinematic genius) is showing at Film Forum, BAM is celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King on Tuesday, and tomorrow there’s the Knickerbocker Orchestra’s WFC performance of Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, with Neil Gaiman narrating. Plus, two ultra high-concept Coilhouse Issue 05 photo shoots that have been in the planning stages months are finally happening. We’ll divulge more about those shortly.

Meanwhile, seriously, DO NOT miss seeing Hausu in the theater. GO, GO, GO. If my fervent urging hasn’t yet convinced you jaded bastards that this screening is not to be missed, click below for several more clips and stills.

Read the rest of “House” aka “Hausu” aka “HAAAAAUUGHWOOOOSSS”

Post tags: Animation, Art, Crackpot Visionary, Diasporrhea, Events, Faboo, Film, Horror, Japan, Madness, Surreal

John Nolan?s Animatronics via Meredith Yayanos

Saturday January, 16 2024 01:03 AM UTC

It’s a little sad, how the advent of CGI rendered much of the animatronics industry obsolete just when cinematic robotics were starting to get so intricate, so lifelike. But the technology retains its place, and under certain circumstances, there’s still a definite advantage to using animatronics instead of CGI or stop motion. Some truly badass robotic FX artists have continued to find plenty of work. Take British wunderkind John Nolan, for instance:

Squeee! Although a relative newcomer, Nolan’s already worked on everything from Hellboy to Where the Wild Things to Doctor Who to Harry Potter. You have to check out his entire show reel. Incredible stuff.

Via DJ Dead Billy, cheers!

Post tags: Animation, Film, Flora & Fauna, Geekdom, Puppetry, Technology, Uncanny Valley